Hammer Auction 132
29. June 2024, 3 P.M.

Preview: 10th to 28th June in the premises of Galerie Walu
Monday to Friday, 10–12 a.m. and 2–6 p.m. and by appointment

Hammer Auktion 132
Tribal Art from the Collections of
Jean-Louis Rinsoz, Sandro Bocola,
Aristide Courtois, Josef Müller,
Charles Hug, Marcel Roux,
Stéphen-Charles Chauvet,
Rudolf und Leonore Blum, Ernst Winizki,
Margaret Demant, Rosmarie Suzanne Kiefer,
Georges-Jacques Haefeli, Paul Berger-Frei,
Walter Häusler, Gérald Minkoff, Muriel Olesen,
Henri Kamer, Emil Storrer, Peter Loebarth,
Merton Simpson, Galerie Maria Wyss,
Galerie Jean Roudillon, Galerie Robert Duperrier,
Galerie Majestic, Galerie Pierre Dartevelle,
Galerie Annamel, Galerie 62, Galerie Davis,
Kevin Conru, Udo Horstmann, Samir Borro,
Jean-Baptist Bacquart, Galerie Alain Lecomte,
Galerie Flak, Galerie l’Accrossonge, Galerie Walu,
Galerie Ambre Congo, Galerie Noir d’Ivoire,
Galerie Ratton Hourdé

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